Extending Groser iOS and Rails apps to support grocery delivery in multiple cities - Part 1
Initially we were trying to proof a concept and didn’t think it will work, now over 1 year after our first delivery we’re facing new opportunity. After getting multiple inquiries from eager entrepreneurs in large cities, we decided to franchise our model. That requires extending internal architecture to support multiple cities.
Current architecture supports grocery deliveries from one store in one city only. We have 1 iOS client app, 1 iOS Shopper app and Rails back end. All apps are working over REST API namespaced under API::V1, supporting multiple cities will require creating new and introducing breaking changes into old API.
Setting up Rails routes
Let’s start with copying API::V1 code in app/views/api/v1
, app/controllers/api/v1
, app/helpers/api/v1
into new v2
$ cp -R app/controllers/api/v1 app/controllers/api/v2
$ cp -R app/views/api/v1 app/views/api/v2
$ cp -R app/helpers/api/v1 app/helpers/api/v2
Then I’ll update routes.rb
and simply copy v1
namespace into v2
namespace :v2 do
# client app
devise_scope :user do
post "/sign_up", :to => 'registrations#create'
post "/sign_in", :to => 'sessions#create'
post "/facebook", :to => 'registrations#facebook'
post "/vkontakte", :to => 'registrations#vkontakte'
delete "/sign_out", :to => 'sessions#destroy'
I use excellent Sublime Text 2 and will use its project file folder_exclude_patterns
setting to exclude V1
directories to avoid accedentally changing V1
of API.
"tmp", "*/v1"
After excluding old API from text editor, I’ll use global Replace command to change module V1 namespace to V2.
After that cleaned up deprecated code used to support old version of the iOS apps, when I didn’t think it merited upgrading API version.
Switch iOS app to API V2
I use AFNetworking with AFHTTPSessionManager
descendant initialized with the base URL of an API. Just change v1 to v2 at the end of the URL.
NSString * const kBaseUrl = @"http://www.groser.ru/api/v2";
NSString * const kBaseUrl = @"http://localhost:3000/api/v2";
Multi city delivery data model
Before extending current architecture for multi city deliveries, I drew the diagram of the current architecture and added necessary models and associations.
Left: Current Model, Right: Extension
Delivery Zones
We’ll do limited roll out of delivery across city with by dividing city into geogrpahical zones. I’ll create new Zone
model with geometry:json
attribute to keep GeoJSON
-encoded geometry of the delivery zone:
rails g model Zone city:references geometry:json --no-test-framework
Then I need to create default delivery zone for the current city we work in, Moscow.
class AddDefaultMoscowDeliveryZone < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
city = City.find_by_name('Москва')
Zone.create!(city: city, geometry: city.geometry)
def self.down
raise ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration
Delivery windows
At the start we’ll support delivery from one chain of supermarkets in the city, so I’ll create many-to-one association between DeliveryOption
used to track availability of delivery windows, and City
. Later when we’ll support delivery from multiple supermarkets in the city, I’ll move that association to Store
rails g migration add_city_to_delivery_option city:references
Product variants
To enable variable prices for products in multiple cities, I need to extract Product
attributes that will vary between cities. Attributes that will stay the same:
- title
- weight
- photos
- description
- barcode
Attributes that I need to extract are:
- unit_price
- store_price
- department_id
- shelf_id
- store_id
- often_out_of_stock
- unlisted
- frequently_found
- loss_leader
- out_of_stock
- out_of_stock_count
- found_count
- user_favorites_count
- order_items_count
I also need to keep barcode
attribute in 2 places, cause bulk product barcode varies between stores. Let’s create ProductVariant
rails g model ProductVariant product:references store:references department:references shelf:references unit_price:float store_price:float editor_id:integer user_favorites_count:integer order_items_count:integer found_count:integer out_of_stock_count:integer flags:integer barcode:string --no-test-framework
Instead of boolean fields I will use bitmask_attributes
class ProductVariant < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :product
belongs_to :store
belongs_to :department
belongs_to :shelf
belongs_to :editor, class_name: 'User'
# Don't change the order of the values, remove any values, or
# insert any new values in the `:as` array anywhere except at the end
bitmask :flags, :as => [:unlisted, :out_of_stock, :often_out_of_stock, :frequently_found, :loss_leader]
validates_presence_of :product, :store, :department, :shelf, :store_price
default_scope { without_flags(:unlisted).includes(:product) }
Right now we have only one Store
with one set of products. To make it all work, let’s create ProductVariant
for each Product
currently in database.
rails g migration create_product_variants_from_current_products
class CreateProductVariantsFromCurrentProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
default_store = Store.find_by_name('Ашан')
Product.where('store_id = ? and department_id IS NOT NULL and shelf_id IS NOT NULL', default_store.id).find_each do |product|
attributes = {
product: product,
store: default_store,
shelf_id: product.shelf_id,
department_id: product.department_id,
store_price: product.store_price,
user_favorites_count: product.user_favorites_count,
order_items_count: product.order_items_count,
found_count: product.found_count,
out_of_stock_count: product.out_of_stock_count,
attributes[:barcode] = product.barcode if product.bulk?
flags = []
flags << :frequently_found if product.frequently_found
flags << :loss_leader if product.loss_leader
flags << :often_out_of_stock if product.often_out_of_stock
flags << :out_of_stock if product.out_of_stock
flags << :unlisted if product.unlisted
attributes[:flags] = flags unless flags.empty?
Replace Product references in queries and associations with ProductVariant
First up is an aisle model which I mistakenly named Shelf
class Shelf < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :product_variants, -> { order('products.name ASC') }, dependent: :destroy
has_many :popular, -> { order('product_variants.order_items_count DESC') }, class_name: 'ProductVariant'
It’s Department
class Department < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :product_variants
has_many :popular, -> { order('order_items_count DESC').limit(6) }, class_name: 'ProductVariant'
Next up is ShelvesController
class Api::V2::ShelvesController < Api::V2::ApiController
respond_to :json
def show
shelf = Shelf.find(params[:id])
products_json = Rails.cache.fetch("shelves/#{shelf.id}_#{shelf.updated_at}", {raw: true}) do
products = ProductVariant.where(shelf_id: params[:id]).order('products.name ASC')
render :json => products_json
Time to move Product.as_json
method to ProductVariant
. I override Product.as_json
method to avoid using partials, which do slow down serialization to JSON.
def as_json(options = {})
attrs = [:id, :shelf_id].concat(options[:only] || [])
options.delete :only
json = super({:only => attrs}.merge(options))
json[:name] = self.product.name
json[:unit] = self.product.unit
json[:unit_price] = self.product.unit_price
json[:unit_size] = self.product.unit_size
json[:container] = self.product.container
json[:brand] = self.product.brand if self.product.brand.present?
json[:image_small_url] = self.product.photo.small.url if self.product.photo?
json[:often_out_of_stock] = true if self.flags?(:often_out_of_stock)
json[:out_of_stock] = true if self.flags?(:out_of_stock)
Upgrade UserFavorites to ProductVariant
Turns out there are many more dependencies on Product
, I use UserFavorite
to track which products user has liked which, now UserFavorite
should reference ProductVariant
instead of Product
rails g migration upgrade_user_favorites_to_product_variant
I’m iterating over each UserFavorite
setting product_variant
attribute to ProductVariant
created in previous migration for the given UserFavorite.product
class UpgradeUserFavoritesToProductVariant < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
add_column :user_favorites, :product_variant_id, :integer
add_index :user_favorites, :product_variant_id
ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
UserFavorite.all.each do |favorite|
favorite.update(product_variant: ProductVariant.find_by_product(favorite.product))
remove_column :user_favorites, :product_id
def self.down
raise ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration
Update User.favorite_products
association to ProductVariant
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :favorite_products, class_name: 'ProductVariant', :through => :user_favorites, :source => :product_variant
def likes?(product_variant)
self.user_favorites.where(product_variant: product_variant).any?
def like(product_variant, likes)
if likes
UserFavorite.where(product_variant: product_variant, user: self).first_or_create
favorite = UserFavorite.where(product_variant: product_variant, user: self).first
favorite.destroy if favorite
Move Product markup calculation to ProductVariant
We mark up product prices for customers to incentivize shoppers who pickup and deliver products.
class ProductVariant < ActiveRecord::Base
before_save :markup_unit_price
def marked_up_price(store_price)
if self.loss_leader
elsif store_price > 0
expensive_item = store_price >= EXPENSIVE_ITEM_THRESHOLD_PRICE
markup_percent = (self.product.is_alcoholic or expensive_item) ? ALCOHOLIC_AND_EXPENSIVE_ITEMS_MARKUP_PERCENT : MARKUP_PERCENT
# mark it up and round to 2 floating point digits
((store_price + store_price * (markup_percent / 100.0)) * 100).round / 100.0
def markup_unit_price
self.unit_price = marked_up_price(self.store_price)
Upgrade OrderItem to ProductVariant
I fear this the most, cause 1 mistake in migration can break everything. I’ll keep original OrderItem.product_id
attribute intact, and remove it when everything works again.
First, I’ll add OrderItem.product_variant
reference and replace product_id
, replacement_id
and chosen_replacement_id
with ProductVariant
ids for given product’s id.
rails g migration add_order_item_product_variant_reference product_variant:references
class AddOrderItemProductVariantReference < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
add_reference :order_items, :product_variant, index: true
replacements_count = 0
ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
OrderItem.all.find_each do |item|
product_variant = ProductVariant.find_by_product_id(item.product_id)
update = {
product_variant: product_variant
if item.replacement_id and replacement_variant = ProductVariant.find_by_product_id(item.replacement_id)
update[:replacement] = replacement_variant
replacements_count += 1
if item.chosen_replacement_id and chosen_replacement_variant = ProductVariant.find_by_product_id(item.chosen_replacement_id)
update[:chosen_replacement] = chosen_replacement_variant
replacements_count += 1
puts "Upgraded #{replacements_count} replacements"
def self.down
raise ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration
Change replacement
and chosen_replacement
class name to ProductVariant
class OrderItem < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :product
belongs_to :product_variant, counter_cache: true
belongs_to :replacement, class_name: 'ProductVariant'
belongs_to :chosen_replacement, class_name: 'ProductVariant'
delegate :shelf, :to => :product_variant
delegate :department, :to => :product_variant
validates_presence_of :product_variant, :unless => :special_request?
Upgrade possible product replacements
Oftentimes some products are sold out at the particular store, especially meat and produce in the evening, we give customer choice of possible replacements before placing an order. Let’s upgrade from ‘Product’ to ‘ProductVariant’ for replacements.
rails g migration add_product_variant_to_related_products product_variant:references
class AddProductVariantToRelatedProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
add_reference :related_products, :product_variant, index: true
remove_column :related_products, :product_id
def self.down
raise ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration
There are hundred thousands of RelatedProduct
records and it’s eastier to recreate them later than find ProductVariant
for each Product
that it used to reference.
Upgrade user’s preferred product quantity
We keep track of quantity user ordered before, so if he bought 3kg of apples, next time he wants to order same apples, he won’t have to select the weight.
rails g migration add_product_variant_to_product_preference product_variant:references
class AddProductVariantToProductPreference < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_reference :product_preferences, :product_variant, index: true
ProductPreference.all.find_each do |pref|
pref.update(product_variant: ProductVariant.find_by_product_id(pref.product_id))
remove_column :product_preferences, :product_id
def preferred_qty(product_variant)
product_preferences.find_by(product_variant: product_variant).try(:qty)
In Part 2, I’ll upgrade search to use ProductVariant
, upgrade order dispatcher to support multiple stores and route orders to city’s shoppers.